Scientific Research Institute
Scientific Research Institute

About us

The main activity consists of carrying out scientific-research works in the direction of solving existing problems in the field of reclamation and water management, developing appropriate engineering-reclamation and hydrotechnical measures and applying them to production. There are Mugan, Absheron and Shirvan experimental stations and an experimental-production enterprise nearby.

  • Activities
  • Structure
  • Management
  • Achievements

The main activity of the institute consists of carrying out scientific-research works in the direction of solving existing problems in the field of reclamation and water management, developing appropriate engineering-reclamation and hydrotechnical measures and applying them to production.

Main directions of scientific research:

  • Development of methods and means of regulating the water-salt regime of soils for the arid zones of the Republic;
  • Development of intensive use of reclaimed land and its scientific basis;
  • Improvement and renovation of hydraulic facilities;
  • Developing the irrigation regime;
  • Development of methods of calculating water consumption, cultivation techniques and technology of agricultural plants in different natural and economic conditions, etc.
  • Tasks and functions of the "Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Water Problems" and the "Azerbaijan Scientific-Production Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Amelioration", taking into account the efficient and economical use of budget funds within the framework of structural changes, the elimination of fragmentation in the direction of fulfilling tasks and functions, taking flexible steps at the level of modern requirements were assigned to "Amelioration Scientific – Research Institute".

    As part of the structural change in Azerbaijan Amelioration and Water Farm OJSC, the duties and functions of the "Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Water Problems" and the "Azerbaijan Scientific-Production Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Amelioration" were assigned to the "Amelioration Scientific – Research Institute". Enterprises have gained many achievements in the relevant fields during the last 3 years.


    Scientific Achievements

    Scientific achievements obtained in the relevant fields during the activity of the institute

    Azerbaijan Scientific-Production Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Amelioration

  • Genesis, diagnosis, classification and assessment of the reclamation condition of salinized soils" (differentiated management)
  • "Rules and norms for designing flood protection of hydrotechnical facilities"
  • "Irrigation regime of agricultural plants, recommendation on their prompt correction and management"
  • "Rules for the use of non-conventional water in irrigation (in the example of sewage and collector-drainage water)"
  • "Methodical means for ordering, designing, drilling and operation of subartesian and artesian wells"
  • "Irrigation water accounting and recommendation on its measurement"
  • 3 monographs (6 books) in Azerbaijani and Russian languages, 2 monographs in Azerbaijani language only, 1 textbook, 1 practical guide and 1 rule, in order to summarize the results of long-term studies conducted in the direction of salinized land reclamation in the experimental-research bases operating under the Association. Volumes XL-XLII of the Association's "Collection of Scientific Works" have been printed
  • 11 articles and thesis were published in foreign magazines and collections, including 1 article in the Web of Science ( Citation Index magazine, 116 articles were published, 6 patents were obtained, 30 interims, 13 final scientific and technical reports, 1 concept, 11 recommendations, 2 operational rules, 1 methodology, 1 norm were developed and submitted to production for application based on the results of scientific research works carried out in 2019-2021
  • Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Water Problems

  • 5 books called "Protection of rivers and treatment of waste water for reuse (in the example of the Kur river basin)", "Safety of hydrotechnical facilities", "Main sedimentation of the Samur-Absheron canal", "Mountain and foothill water intake facilities", " Hydromorphology of remediation of rivers and artificial earth channels"
  • 3 brochures entitled "Calculation of water losses in irrigation systems", "Methodology for development of water management balances", "Use of dirty water in irrigation", 2 scientific collections entitled "Modern problems of efficient and complex use of water resources"
  • 87 articles, 25 interims and 11 final scientific and technical reports were prepared and submitted to production
  • Scientific-research affairs prepared by AzSRI WP received 60 certificates of authorship, 4 inventions and a new technology have been created in the field of high-turbidity water treatment of particular importance in the practice of water purification under the leadership of d.t.s. I.S.Babayev for the first time in the world, devices of various constructions ( floating water stabilizers AzNII VP-2, AzNII VP-3 typed thin-layer settlers, “Pilot-filter” typed floating water treatment, filter devices consisting of zealot charge of different constructions) have been developed. This technology is used in Sabirabad, Salyan-Astara, Shirvan group water lines and more than 20 water supply objects, in the treatment of water in coal mines of the Russian Federation, in water supply of Osh, Tash-Kumir and Kizil-Kaya cities of Kyrgyzstan, at 4 water supply facilities of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, in the drinking water supply of Etrapol city of Bulgaria.

    Amelioration Services


    Training services

    Preparation of water use plans

    Conditions for taking water and providing it to the customer

    Rules for measuring and calculating water speed and consumption

    Determination of the effectiveness of the collector-drainage network

    Application of modern water-saving technologies

    Determining methods of water measuring devices, installations and equipment as well as rules of use and operation of equipment

    Rules for planting salt-resistant plants, giving ameliorants and fertilizers in the saline and brackish areas

    Methods of applying complex agromelioration measures to improve salinized and salinized soils

    A complex of agrotechnical and agromelioration measures necessary for soil protection and obtaining a high yield from them

    Creation of demonstration sites using drip irrigation method


    Laboratory services

    Taking soil and water analyzes from the areas

    Conducting complete analyzes of soil and water

    Conducting microbiological analyzes of water

    Assessment of soil and water compliance with standards


    Cooperation with us

    The institute constantly continues its cooperation with its professional and quality service areas. In his activity, he was the author and partner of successful projects together with many local and international institutions.

    • International experience

    • Professional and operative service

    Successful and progressive cooperation


    Cooperate with us


    AZ1130, Baku city,
    8th district, I. Dadashov street. 324